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Nuppu's Sewing Salon
Nuppu's Sewing Salon Thursday 8.4. from 17-20.30. You can come already at 16 to find a pattern etc.
This Spring the doors to Nuppu's studio open to welcome all seamstresses and sewists. You can attend the Sewing Salon in order to sew your own projects at your own pace. At your convenience there are sewing machines , overlockers and coverlocks. Also a wide range of pattern magazines and books are available for further inspiration.
Assistance is also provided in English, Swedish or Finnish by Bella Miettinen.
We serve tea and coffee.
The price is 36 €.
The address is:
Särkiniementie 5 B 19
(2nd floor), Lauttasaari, Helsinki
If you purchase only a spot for the sewing course choose "pick up from the studio" for Method of Delivery
Nuppu Print Company Oy
Särkiniementie 5 b 19 (2nd floor)
00210 Helsinki
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